blog 2013

In this issue
Interviews with our friends and marketing experts from Intuit and Poppin!
Magazine Exclusive—We sat down with Poppin’s VP of Marketing as he gave us a glimpse at the future of office space and Intuit’s lovely Naaz Fatima Butt tells us why she thinks the sales funnel should be flipped upside down.
How will consumers view a Programmatic World? Let's find out!
Originally featured on Marketing Land—What will marketing be like for consumers in a technologically advanced future? Dax Hamman gives us a Minority Report inspired view of what programmatic could look like to consumers.
Jeff Bezos and the Newspaper of the Future
Originally featured on MediaPost—What will marketing be like for consumers in a technologically advanced future? Dax Hamman gives us a Minority Report inspired view of what programmatic could look like to consumers.

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